Security Training

Security Guard Training and First-Aid Training ($599.9)

Legacy Protection Services offers one of the most comprehensive and satisfying training experience. You can join a competitive and challenging program that puts your skills and knowledge above the rest by joining Legacy Protections Service’s training academy.

Start your career as a Security Guard or Private Investigator with the a recognized training programs. Our academy will help you succeed with your training, licensing and employment needs. Our online training academy allows you the ability to complete your training anywhere and anytime.

Our state-of-the-art electronic certification and transcript program will verify to employers your training accomplishments and awards. Start your Security Guard career today!

Basic Security Guard Training Course Online (33.5 hours)

The Basic Security Guard Training Course is a legislative requirement to become a licenced Security Guard in most provinces.

Topics Include:

  • Introduction to The Security Industry
  • Security Guard Act and Regulation
  • Basic Security Procedures
  • Uniforms and Equipment
  • Retail Loss Prevention
  • Note Taking, Statements, Report Writing and Intelligence
  • Emergency Response Preparation
  • Canadian Legal System
  • General Principles of Evidence
  • Legal Authorities
  • Effective Communications
  • Sensitivity Training
  • Use of Force Theory
  • Anti-Terrorism

Must include a First Aid and CPR to complete the security program and gain a training completion number before taking the government Security Guard exam. Licencing and exam fees not included. Employment services available. This training course is recognized across Canada except for Quebec.

Emergency First Aid and Level “C” CPR with AED Program (8 hours)

Emergency first aid training is a legislative requirement. One person must be trained in emergency first aid if five or fewer people work at a given workplace on any shift. The Canada Guard Security First Aid/CPR/AED programs are WSIB certified.

Topics Include:

  • Emergency Scene Management, Shock, Levels of Consciousness
  • Heart attack, Stroke and Sudden Cardiac Arrest
  • Adult CPR and Choking Sequences
  • Infant and Child CPR and Choking Sequences
  • Public Access Defibrillation
  • Wounds, Bleeding and Burns
  • Diabetes, Allergic Reactions, Asthma

All prices subject to change without notice. First AID and CPR Training proviced by Canada Guard Security Inc.